» Announcements and news » Fast Blade - Ghostrunner in Chinese for Android

An alternative to the Ghostrunner game called Fast Blade has appeared in Chinese TapTap. The gameplay of the project is no different from the original. The player needs to jump and jump on roofs, fighting off enemies and dodging their attacks.


At the moment, the project is undergoing an active beta test stage. If you want to play, you can download it through the Chinese TapTap service. But the players have already noted that for a comfortable game it is necessary to have a good reaction and fast fingers. It is very difficult to get into this gameplay.


The graphics of the game turned out to be much simpler than that of Ghostrunner, which means you can play it on almost any bucket. The interface is quite good and convenient, but the training was not delivered, which caused many to complain that they had to deal with jumps on their own.

For each completed stage, the gamer will receive a bundle of resources that can be spent on improving his character, weapons and armor. However, deep pumping is not worth waiting for here.

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